Friday, January 29, 2010

Gucci's First Snow (That We Know Of...)

Wow! There is this cold, wet white stuff all over. It's a bit slippy. I like running up and down the deck ramp. Ms. Christie calls it snow. I call it cold. I was fun for a while, but now I just want to chill out where it is warm. Kai likes to be outside in it all, but he's weird anyway.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Playdate with Pooka

It hasn't been so busy for me the past few days, but Ms. Christie is one a lot and I have to sit in my wire box until Mr. RicH lets me out. I play with mostly with Kai and sometimes a couple of neighborhood dogs. On Monday, Ms. Christie said I was going to get to go stay with Miss Roxanne for the day. I LOVE Miss Roxanne!

So, Ms. Christie took me over and, guess what?... Miss Roxanne has a dog! He is a short dog with big ears. They call him something about French butterflies, but I don't know, and I really don't care. What I do care about is that Pooka (that is his name) is fun and likes to play the chase game with me. I got so excited that I started humping Pooka. Miss Roxanne made me stop and lay down for a while. She gave me a chewy, and I was a good boy for her.

When Ms. Christie came to get me, I heard Miss Roxanne say that I am a handful. Ms. Christie says that I just get overly excited because I love to play with other dogs. Miss Roxanne gave me a stuffed bear that I really like, and I hope I get to go back sometime.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

School Daze

After sleeping in, eating and relaxing in the morning, today I went to school again. And, as promised, received the lion's share of treats. Today I learned to greet people politely, attention heel and touch to Ms. Christie's palm while walking. It was a lot of fun. I want to learn the really cool tricks that Kai knows, but Ms. Christie said that I need to learn the basics first. Apparently, Ms. Christie doesn't understand that "down" means to look down at the treat from a sitting position and try to will it to your mouth.

Tomorrow Ms. Christie is really busy, so instead of sitting in my wire box all day, I get to go play with Miss Roxanne. I love Miss Roxanne! She is so energetic and funny. She's my favorite play partner. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Not so lazy after all...

Oh boy, I had an unexpected surprise today. Ms. Christie's friend brought his 3 kids to come see me. I loved the oldest one. She would ask me to sit and then give me a cookie. She did it just like Ms. Christie does - Good Job, Schafer! I had SO much fun! I LOVE kids!

Lazy Days...

I think it is the weekend or something. Ms. Christie and I have not been out as much in the past few days, giving me a chance to be lazy and sleep on the big pillow under the chair. I like to sleep on the big pillow under the chair.

We did go out for a little while on Wednesday. Ms. Christie took me to "work" again at a different place. This place was so very wonderful. It was full of doggie smells and food and TREATS! Ms. Christie called it Wag. I call it Heaven! I kept going to these baskets full of yummy goodies and helping myself. But then I would get told No and lose my candy. Ms. Christie tried to make be stay behind the counter, but I kept getting out. Then Ms. Christie took me home and put me in the wire box with a Kong and left again. I don't think I'll get to go back to that place again very soon. :(

Tomorrow, I get to go back to school! I hope I learn a lot and get a lot of treats. My very favorite thing to do with Ms. Christie is to go to school!

Now back to my nap on the

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finally... A Day to Rest

Well, Ms. Christie has kept me on the run so much, I didn't think I'd ever get a day to just lay around and sleep. Don't get me wrong, when I hear "Let's Go!" I am ready, but I definitely love to just lay around and snooze (especially on the big pillow under the chair).

I thought I had easy until Monday night. It was all play, play, play, then Ms. Christie said I had to work to earn my keep. Work? What do you mean work? I was a little nervous, but Kai was happily coming along, so I figured this work stuff might be fun. Boy, I was right! I love to work! Ms. Christie made me be the "demo dog" for her class orientations, whatever that means. I just know I got to eat a lot of treats and get lots of pets. Here is a video of me "working." See how attentive I am. Ms. Christie says I am very smart and very trainable. I like pets a lot so, maybe, she says, I could make a good Therapy Dog. I'd visit people and they would pet me and then they would be happy. Sounds good to me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Playing and Fetching

Here is a little video Ms. Christie made of me learning to play and fetch. I'm not too sure about it right now, but I am getting the hang of it quickly.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I thought Sunday was for Football and Naps...

Apparently not at Ms. Christie's house... On Sunday, I started school. Ms. Christie says I am really a good boy, but I can be better. We went to another big building with lots more dogs (not as many as Saturday), and everybody kept coming up to me and asking for a sit. When I did, I heard a click and got a cookie. I like the click sound. It means I'm going to get a cookie. I have to do what Ms. Christie or anybody else asks before I get my click and cookie, but it is worth it. Everybody was really nice. I'm going to be fat like Kai in no time if this keeps up.

Ms. Christie says I am learning to be a Canine Good Citizen. She says the better I behave, the sooner I can go to my forever home. I don't want to leave here. I like to be a good boy and get cookies a lot from Ms. Christie and her friends. I like school and want to go back.

I am so tired, I think I am going to lay down on the big pillow under the chair now and sleep. I wonder what we are going to do tomorrow?

It's Saturday and I'm a Star!

I had so much fun on Friday, I almost forgot about the wire box except for sleeping and eating. However, I had a great reminder on Saturday. I don't think I went to sleep before Ms. Christie got me up early, fed me and bustled off to the wire box in the big car. Kai got to ride in the seat. No fair.

OK, maybe it was fair, or at least the fairgrounds, 'cause we went to this big building with bunches and bunches of pretty dogs everywhere. I had to sit in a wire box for a little while since Ms. Christie was so busy. I don't feel so bad about it though. Kai had to sit in one beside me. When Ms. Christie got done, she took Kai out of his box, and he sat in a chair. Then she got me out and I had to sit beside Ms. Christie on to of the wire box. This was fine, but a little scary because the box was kind of small and I thought I might fall off. (I should explain here that the wire box I was stuck in was really a big plastic box with wire on the front, but they are all the same to me.) Ms. Christie saw that I was a little afraid, so she gave me cookies and held me close to her. She said she wanted for everybody to see me.

She explained to me that we were at the Canine Experience, and that I am a Toller. Apparently, that makes me really special. I am so happy to be special. I had to be a good boy and let her take lots of pictures. Kai was on to of the table posing lie he was some sort of model. He is such a show off. But everyone thought I was cuter and I got a lot of cookies and pets. It was like everybody already knew who I was. Ms. Christie even let the children pet me. I like children when they pet me and are nice. I had a really fun experience at the "Experience."

I was so tired in the afternoon, I slept o the big pillow under the chair until it was time to eat. Then we played and then I went to sleep some more. What a great day!

One Thursday, my life changed... (aka The Wire Box)

I already told you about my Thursday morning jail break. I have been a busy boy since then. As soon as Ms. Christie brought me back to Raleigh, I visited Dr. V. She was really nice and the shots didn't hurt... much. Then I got a bath. I didn't act like I liked it, but it felt really good.

Before I even got shook off good, I was back in the car in a crate going again. This time we went to a place with a lot of crates. They were all empty, but it was scary anyway. At the shelter, at least I had my own door to go outside whenever I wanted to. Now I'm always stuck in a wire box - get in the car into a wire box. Get out of the car, pee, get in a wire box. Wait here in this wire box, Ms. Christie says. We'll have fun soon, Ms. Christie says. Get back in the wire box, Ms. Christie says. At least she says please and thank you, and I get a lot of cookies for going in the wire box.

Finally, we got back to the big house where I am staying, and I got to run around in a big yard and lay on a nice pillow under a chair for a few hours, then I had to get back in the wire box for the night.

Friday was ALL fun, just like Ms. Christie promised. We ran around outside in the big yard a lot. I met a really pretty Golden girl who lives down the street. We played ball. I was plum worn out when I got to lay down on the nice big pillow under the chair.

Did I tell you that I get to eat a lot? I get a bowl of super yummy food three times every day, plus a lot of treats in between. No wonder Kai is so fat. He eats like a king. Ms. Christie says I'm skinny and need to eat a lot of good food to gain weight. I'll agree with that if it gets me another boar bone.

I think I like it here. I hope I get to stay, even though Ms. Christie says I'll find a better home with nicer people soon, and I'll get to stay there forever. I hope so, but I really like it here a lot.

Hi. I'm Gucci!

Hello. My name is Gucci. I once lived with a nice girl, but she had to move, so I was sent to a place with a lot of other dogs, and it was scary. Then this nice lady came and petted me and gave me treats. I thought she was so nice. I really wanted to go home with her and get out of that crazy place, but she left. I was so sad. THEN, the lady that usually took care of me came to the back and gave me a new collar. That collar smelled just like the nice lady who gave me treats. She really was nice. Now I felt happy and handsome in my new collar.

All of a sudden, I heard my name called. When I looked, it was the treat lady. She was still there, and she wanted me to go with her. I didn't know where she was taking me and I really didn't care. All I knew was that I was out of the stinky loud place.

We drove and drove and I slept and slept... Suddenly, we got out of the car and there was another dog that looked a lot like me! He came over to say Hi. He was very friendly. And he was fat. He didn't have to worry about his meals.

I found out the nice lady is Ms. Christie, and the dog is Kai. I am staying with them for a little while, and it is really fun!

Keep reading my blog and I will tell you what I am up to. I am thankful to Toller Rescue, Inc. for sending Ms. Christie to take me home!